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ASP Ajax vs jQuery for UI development

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ASP Ajax vs jQuery for UI development

[ Ganesh N | C# Developers / Architects ]

What “j-Query/ HTML/ CSS” offers for UI development that “ASP NET Ajax control tool kit” doesn’t !!!!!! I mean, you can develop the best looking/functional components using the Ajax tool kit along with the CSS and it works pretty well and almost all the controls (Accordion, Collapsible controls, Drag drop etc..) are available in it.

Fore those who choose jQuery/css for Ajax….. what makes you do so?

A – Efficiency

The less you write, the less you fail, and the faster you deliver…

jQuery hides (encapsulate) javascript dynamic functionality on DOM elements. Bibeault & Katz (Manning 2008) state on pg. 2: the creators of jQuery specifically created the library to make common tasks trivial. For example, designers will use javascript to ‘zebra-stripe’ tables – highlighting every other row in a table with a contrasting color – taking up to 10 lines of code or more. Here’s how we accomplish it using jQuery: $(“table tr:nth-child(even)”).addClass(“stripped”);

But ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit (ACT) also does that, right? So, that lead us to the following.

B – Vendor independence / flexibility / robustness (code lifetime longevity)

While ACT depends on Microsoft products (ASP.NET, IIS), jQuery is far more “pluggable” and technology agnostic.

Concurrently, it also help us enforce the (increasingly followed) Lean “programming model”.

And last but not least, it also fits more smoothly on other management issues…

C – Standardization / Governance

As an open-source library, and a more widely-adopted option, jQuery adheres more “naturally” to other non-functional requirements and to both OOP and DDD principles, tenets and guidelines; such as Ubiquitous Language (Common BoK), testability, reusability etc.

Bottom line:

Tactically, act local, and think global. And…

Strategically, plan (and design) for lasting – on a long-term basis – in order to optimize TTM, TCO, ROI etc…

Am I right?

Does this make sense? And does this answer your question?

Capparelli [ jan 2014 ]

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